We live in Italy and in this country the ruling sport is Football (or soccer if you prefer).
Football usually occupies ¾ of the contents of sport magazine and tv sport channels. If you happen to step into a coffee shop is impossible not to hear all about what that player did, or what that coach said. Everybody here is a pro and they’re not at all shy in sharing advises.
But this it is not how we are. We like football of course, but we also love other sports for example volleyball, basketball, rugby and of course hockey.
During our Christmas holidays we had the pleasure to see an hockey game of the Ontario Hockey League. We know that is not an NHL major event, but it was a pretty awesome experience for us that we have never seen a live hokey game.
The arena was crammed with people and the atmosphere was great, everybody supporting their favorite team without any security problems. Just a great way to spend a freezing December evening! We couldn’t have asked for more!
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